Your pies may attract customers with their unique flavors, but simply appealing to the sense of taste will not keep them coming back.
Several studies have shown that the smells, sounds, and sights they encounter during a visit directly impact the willingness of patrons to spend money and trust an establishment.
Look Sharp
Restaurants have long believed that customers “eat with their eyes,” but this is untrue. They look at much more than just their plate. The layout of your restaurant and its interior design will influence how customers perceive the pizzeria.
Colors elicit certain moods and physical reactions. Warm (red, yellow, and orange) or cool (greens, blues, and violets) colors are used to tell brand stories. The warm colors stimulate activity and appetite, while the cool colors relax the brain. The color scheme influences up to 90% of restaurant food choices. Make sure that your staff’s clothing complements your interior design.
Lighting can define the atmosphere of a restaurant and influence spending at each table. Lighting that is too bright or has the wrong fixtures can ruin your restaurant’s atmosphere.
Have you heard?
You can eliminate the common complaints of patrons about being unable to converse with their dinner partners and servers or being annoyed by a clatter from back-of-the-house operations by paying attention to acoustics. Acoustic panels will reduce reverberation in your pizzeria. This allows patrons to spend more and enjoy their meals. According to studies, a peaceful environment can boost sales by up to 38%.
Add pleasant sounds is another. An excellent sound is one thing, but adding it is another. Music can have a substantial impact on customers. Slower music encourages customers to relax and enjoy their meals. They are also more likely to purchase desserts and drinks, increasing the check. Faster music tends to make people leave quickly after eating. Be aware of the impact on your bottom line. Match the music style to the restaurant. Adjust your prices to reflect this.
No Sniffing Allowed
Humans are said to be able to remember up to 10,000 scents. Many of these trigger memories which set up subconscious expectations. In a pizzeria, for example, customers expect to be able to smell the enticing aromas of food wafting around. This will draw them towards your products and make them want to eat more. This can also be a great way to boost your bottom line.
They are the most offensive. These scents are associated with a need for more cleanliness and quality, which leads to a negative perception and lowered check totals.
It’s common for you to want your restaurant to be where people can enjoy delicious food. However, remember that your pies only represent a small part of the overall dining experience. You can appeal to your customers’ senses and their wallets by providing them with a well-appointed and aromatic environment in which they can enjoy these pies.