How C-Store Ovens Can Ensure Consistent Pizza Across Locations

How C-Store Ovens Can Ensure Consistent Pizza Across Locations

The pizza oven in convenience stores is one of the most overlooked yet functional pieces of equipment in pizza programs.

It’s not surprising that the primary function of an oven is to bake pizza. The only thing you need to worry about it is getting it at the right temperature.

You could end up with a burnt oven if you do not consider the impact of your range on the customer experience in all your c store locations.

Consistency counts

Consistency in meeting customer expectations is something that customers notice and value. You’ll be rewarded for meeting their expectations if you consistently meet them.

What is this all about? Everything.

Pizzas picked up by customers at the store nearest to them should be of the same quality as the pizzas they purchased two weeks earlier at the store located across town. Well-managed store programs will ensure that the appearance and ingredients are as expected. Everything on top of it must have the same taste and texture. This could be affected by differences in oven types between stores.

Even if ingredients and preparation are the same in every location, oven variations can easily affect bake times, color, texture, and other crust characteristics. What is the result? Under-performing pizza.

Standardizing ovens in all stores is a worthwhile investment. Why? Customers are happier when pizzas are made to the same standard.

Standardizing ovens can also maximize customer retention and acquisition efforts, which could mean more money in your pockets. An increase of 5% in customer retention could increase profits up to 125% 1. Therefore, upfront costs can be offset by long-term profitability.

What if the budget or building doesn’t permit the standardization of pizza ovens in convenience stores? Operators are left to take the risk of pizza inconsistency. No.

Pizza Crust Solutions

Oven standardization won’t be in your immediate future. In the meantime, you’ll need to make some strategic decisions regarding your pizza crusts.

Your relationship with your dough producer is crucial. It is best to rely on their guidance and expertise to align ovens and crusts for optimal performance. A trusted partner such as Alive & Kickin’ Pizza Crust offers a wide range of products and can customize them to meet almost any requirement.

Par-baked crusts are especially popular. They are versatile and help C-stores with multiple oven types stay on top of any potential pizza inconsistencies.

Par-baked pizza crusts are also perfect for c store pizza programs because they’re easy to use, prepare, and can be used for frozen, ready-to-eat, or take-and-bake options. All of your staff can create the pizza experience that customers love.

Pizza ovens in convenience stores are not an afterthought, given their impact on your business. It is essential to consider which ovens will provide the best crust performance for all locations. Download our free guide, Which Crusts work best in your pizza operation’s Oven? to learn how they work together.

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