Top tips for pizzeria operations: Back of House

Top tips for pizzeria operations: Back of House

Attention to detail is critical to the success of a pizzeria. The back-of-house efficiency and consistency translate into the front-of-the-house, and vice versa. But not all owners or operators know which best practices to use to achieve this.

This two-part series will identify and explain the tips you can use to ensure your operation runs smoothly. We’ll be giving some advice today about the back end. Next week, Part 2 will provide tips for the front of your house.

Food rules

It is essential to handle ingredients with care for cost-savings and quick turnarounds.

Weigh the ingredients: Time is of the essence, so it’s not practical to portion out each element in a pie on-the-fly. Focus on the more common ingredients, which are usually more expensive, such as cheese, sauce, and certain meats. Create a pie-size formula (i.e., a small pie needs X ounces of cheese, a spoonful of sauce of 4 ounces, and X pepperoni slices). This will give your kitchen staff a guide to help them finish the job without causing any delays.

Use piece counts per serving: Portion control can be achieved by simple counting for non-pie foods, such as appetizers. (i.e., 1 serving = six mozzarella sticks). One word of caution, though: counting works well for items that are uniform in shape, but for appetizers like chicken wings or other foods with varying sizes, it is best to weigh them for consistency.

Unsung heroes

Your patrons seldom see your back-of-house team, so they rarely give it a second glance. Unintentionally, this is also the case for many operators and owners.

Little recognition can go a long way. Show your appreciation for the back-of-house staff. Consider offering your employees special incentives.

A praise board can highlight what your back-of-house staff does “above and above” what is expected of an individual or a group. This will have a positive impact on your business.

A “back of the house” employee of the month premium parking space (additional spaces for the front team). Add a $25 gas gift card to the deal.

Birthday Holiday — Paid

Gift cards and swag drawings

Menu items at half-price during breaks or after scheduled shifts

Keep it Clean

Food industry reputations are built by all those you work with, whether they’re suppliers, DSRs, or salespeople.

Just as fewer people are looking at the rear of your house, you can still keep cleanliness and organization.

Check incoming food shipments for safety and compliance with your standards.

Set up a regular cleaning schedule and enforce proper handwashing.

Use safe cooking techniques, from ingredient storage to serving temperatures.

Separate cleaning products from food, as they may contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to consume.

Outside Your exterior sends customers, vendors, and colleagues a clear message. Check for these eye sores along with the general cleanliness of your building and parking area:

Your garbage bin is it tightly closed or overflowing with trash?

Are your recyclables neatly packaged and separated, or are they jumbled up?

Have your more oversized items, such as broken tables and chairs, properly dismantled before disposing of them, or are they scattered around the garbage cans?

Keep things tidy and organized to improve appearance and perceptions. It will also help your business run at its best.

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