They could be the simplest pork chops I’ve ever cooked. …and the softest. …and perhaps they are connected to the glaze of the Pork Chops to ensure the best tasting.
This marinade with orange molasses was an entire experiment and came out pretty well. This is something I’m likely to tweak and move in different directions. This may not be my final recipe; however, it’s a great start, and I wanted to give it to you. It’s not super “orangey,” but I believe that the concentrate of orange juice has added a crucial taste, sweetness, and acidity. There were some oranges in my refrigerator, so I cut one in half for garnishing, but it’s not necessary for the recipes. It’s a nice appearance, though, especially when you’re trying to impress!
I cooked the chops on the stovetop. However, they’d be ideal for grilling. Since the weather is getting warmer and the weekends are moving outside for cooking, I highly recommend trying these delicious and sweet pork chops a try!
2lbs, six chops cut thick pork chops ($6.19)
1/4 cup molasses ($0.60)
1/4 cup concentrate of orange juice ($0.33)
1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar ($0.06)
1 tbsp Dijon mustard ($0.11)
1/4 teaspoon crushed garlic($0.02)
1/2 tsp salt ($0.02)
Two tablespoons vegetable oil ($0.08)
Create the marinade by mixing the molasses, concentrate of orange juice, and apple cider vinegar. Add Dijon mustard, garlic powder, and salt. Put the marinade into an airtight container with the chops and seal the bag. Keep in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, or more if you want.
Once you’re ready to cook your chops, cook two tablespoons of vegetable oil in a big, heavy skillet at a medium-high temperature. Once the oil is hot (it appears wavy inside the pan), then add the chops. Cook for approximately 7 minutes per side or until the meat is cooked and the marinade has reduced into an extremely thick sauce. There is no need to pour all the marinade into the pan; the amount that drains off of the chops when they cook will create a delicious sauce. Remove the marinade that is left in the bag. Serve hot!